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Saving Modernism in the Hamptons

Timothy Godbold, an interior designer based in Southampton, became a Hamptons preservationist, and founded Hamptons 20th Century Modern, after learning so many modernist houses have been destroyed.

$15 (1 hr)

Category: @Palm Springs, @Annenberg Theater, Presentation, Talk

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From the nineteen-sixties through the late eighties, some of America’s most renowned architects, including Charles Gwathmy, Andrew Geller, Bruce Nagel, Gordon Bunshaft, Myron Goldfinger, Norman Jaffe, Horace Gifford, Richard Meier, Philip Johnson and many more, designed astonishing modernist homes built in the East End communities of Long Island, New York.

Today, these iconic residences, stunning examples of the modern beach vernacular, are threatened as property values in the Hamptons and other East End beach towns have skyrocketed. Several have been bought and demolished, and others are on the market and facing a similar fate, even before they have a chance to grow old.

Timothy Godbold, an interior designer based in Southampton, became a Hamptons preservationist after learning that so many of these historically relevant modernist houses have been torn down.  He is the founder and the director of Hamptons 20th Century Modern,  which is working to bring greater recognition to these homes and their designers, to better honor their place in history, and to secure their legacy.  He shares his knowledge, images, and some inside information about these beautiful homes.


Things to Know
This event is for ages 12 and older.
The entrance to the Annenberg Theater is located behind the Annenberg Theater Box Office, adjacent to the Palm Springs Art Museum's North Parking Lot.
Ample free public parking is available in the multi-level public garage across from the Palm Springs Art Museum.
Handicap parking is available. This event is wheelchair accessible.
The organizer of this event is Modernism Week.

Event Check-in Location 
Annenberg Theater,  Palm Springs Art Museum, 101 N. Museum Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92262
View Map

Photo Credits: 
Courtesy H20CM

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